Ade-ena Akurugu Moses the Emeritus writes..✍🏾✍🏾✍🏾*

All the precious and most valuable metals are found in Africa.  Africa is the repository of Diamond. Africa has the most finest and hard timber.  Africa leads in cocoa production.  We have fertile lands. We have plenteous water bodies.  We have sea shores for fishing.  We have great scholars who are easily find in Harvard University ,  Cambridge,  Oxford,  NASA and notable organizations. We have everything a man needs for optimum livelihood but why?

My pupils dilated and I was disoriented when I chanced on a headline on citifmonline that "Israeli Government issued a notice that,  African migrants should leave within 90 days or face imprisonment". My heart still beats faster and one can pulsate it outside the cubicle that I'm passing the night inside. I always know the African youth has no future.  I always know there is a looming danger and Africa is standing on a landmine. A step backward or forward pose a threat and its inhabitants are scattered across the desert.  Some have been sold somewhere on the Sahara desert for a penny.  Modern slavery in Libya. Multitudes of African youth are fish's food in the Mediterranean sea.  Millions are in Europe, Middle East and Asia. Brain drain slapped Africa on the face and we are all watching the panting Africa gasping for air. Hmm!

Should I blame my origin? Should I blame my forefathers for being Africans?  Should I blame my neighbors for treating me badly?  Should I blame my leaders for my state?  Africa is a  failed continent and in fact remains the worst performing continent amongst God's creation.

Why should we Africans be the ones to be talked about when it comes to victims of racism, illegal immigrants, deportees, modern slavery and all kinds of inhumane treatment? Why should our governments licensed recruitment agencies to extort monies from our desperate youth who persistently seek greener pastures elsewhere only to be sent to Jordan,  Saudi Arabia, Dubai,  Kuwait, Qatar, Israel and the likes to be maltreated, raped,  beaten and enslaved?  Do we love money more than our own people?  Or is it because they are from poor homes and your biological families are not victims?  It is so pathetic!

This is the time to disband African Union,  ECOWAS,  and stop paying dues to United Nations for them all have lost their core values and the principles on which their foundations were laid and their objectives are far beyond reach.  They are total disappointment to their founding fathers. They are in fact not even independent in their operations and still dance to the soft melodies of the super powers.  Israeli Embassies across Africa should be demolished and the land use for something else beneficial to the returning African migrants.  What kind of bilateral relationship do we share with them? What have the youth of Africa done to warrant such treatment and that weird order and a 90 days ultimatum to exit Israel?

It is about time African governments moved beyond winning elections and carrying themselves as presidents and heads of states.  Leadership should be viewed beyond titles.  We need a saviour. A messiah to charter a course for the captain of the second titanic labeled Africa will leave no surviver should we continue to fold our arms and watch it roar across the red sea without a captain. I fear for my life,  I fear for the life of my generation,  I fear for Africa as a continent. We are perishing in a very fashionable manner with innocent  broad smiles on our faces thinking of yachting on a shore that doesn't exist.

I am calling on all African head of states to pay heed and do us the good and safe our future.  Let not our history be forgotten.  Let not someone else come to read about us and say we were foolish people.  Let our generations come to read about us as their forefathers and appreciate our struggles and celebrate us as conquerors. We can do better. Africa can do better.  It takes our individual contributions and change of mindsets to turn things around. Let the black star shine!  We are the strongest creation yet the worst performing. Let's team up and make for ourselves what we need for a living.

African youth! We have being preys for long,  let's assume the position of predators and have a feel of how it is. You are capable. Rise and shine.

Authored by:

Ade-ena Akurugu Moses


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