DIET TV- The Health Mail Box

 The Health Mail Box

Hello Everyone. Happy New Year and Welcome to Diet TV once again. 

Today, I have a special Nutrition tip for you from the Health Mail Box. Now,  Let's look at some 5 major reasons you should eat Cruciferous Vegetables. 

  Cruciferous vegetables such as Cabbage, Cauliflower, kale, watercress,  Broccoli,  Brussels Sprout, etc are part of Brassica genus of plants and they are very beneficial to the human body. 

Cruciferous vegetables serve as source of fibre hence prevent constipation 

They contain Phytochemicals which offer protection to some chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disorders.

They also serve as source of antioxidant which prevents the oxidation of certain nutrients and oxidative damage to the body cells hence prevents Cancer

 They serve as a source of Minerals for building strong bone, teeth, healthy skin, hair, nerve function and healthy metabolic functions. 

Cruciferous vegetables contain vitamins that are needed to enhance the healthy function of the body. 

Always eat some cruciferous vegetables🥒. 
 Join Julius Sammah every Wednesday on the Health Mail Box @Diet Tv on FB and Instagram or call  0209330918

 Diet TV.! ... Your Diet, Your Health


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